Life, Business Arielle Zadok Life, Business Arielle Zadok

4 Ways You're Killing Your Creative Vibe

It’s no surprise that we are living in a time and space where were are a little too plugged in. Everywhere you look people are on their phones and on their computers. Like you, reading this, right now. But don’t shut ‘er down just yet.


Let’s explore the 4 ways that being plugged in is killing your creative vibe

and help move you towards getting that mojo back along with a little peace and maybe even some inspiration.

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Advertising Arielle Zadok Advertising Arielle Zadok

4 Super bowl Commercials you didn't want to miss

Out of the 46 humans who directed Super Bowl Ads, 4 of them were female. Yes. 4. If you're left shaking your head right now because that's kind of a ridiculous number, then welcome to the conversation. 

On average, Female Directors make up approximately 7% of the films we see on a regular basis, and the Super Bowl is no different. 

With an audience made up of 49% women, we're left wondering why Super Bowl advertising is still dominated by male creators and male driven creative. 

But truth be told, I'm not here to have that conversation right now (though let's keep raising awareness by pointing this bs out over and over and over again because that's the only way we'll close this gap). Instead, I'm here to share and highlight the beautiful work by 4 women who DID produce some stellar work that the world was watching. 

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Life Arielle Zadok Life Arielle Zadok

How to leave attachments behind (so bad haircuts don't ruin your day)

Have you ever cried over a haircut knowing it was totally ridiculous that you were crying about something like that? Yeah, me too. In fact, that's exactly what happened to me last week.

Now, in my old life I'd just cry it out and accept how I felt and moved on with it. But that wouldn't really serve either of us now would it? (nope).

That's why I'm talking all about non-attachment in today's video.

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Life, Business Arielle Zadok Life, Business Arielle Zadok

3 ways to make your New Year's resolution a reality

It’s that time of year once again. The time we all say how much this passed year sucked and how ah-ma-zing this next year will be. Helloooo expectations!

I mean, we all know how this plays out by now, right?

We proclaim huge goals whether they be physical, financial, career oriented - whatever. We state them loud and clear to the world. Jan 1-8 we are ROCKING AND ROLLING. Then… Life. A job. A weekend away.

Things happen and 3 months down the road we’re left with nothing but that glimmer of an idea we once had to be better, to do more, to be more.

Instead of having that dream life we created for ourselves on Dec. 31, we’re left with the guilt of letting it go and many times the shame that comes along with telling everyone we know how we’re going to xyz in [insert year here].

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Life Arielle Zadok Life Arielle Zadok

Saying a prayer just isn't enough

There is a lot going on in the world right now - a lot. It’s both shocking and emotionally overwhelming, no matter the cause. And the truth is, posting about sending love, prayers and energy is nice, but it doesn’t do shit. So I’m calling us all out on it. Because I’m mad AF and I’m sick of all the touchy feely bullshit that does nothing to create change.

Feeling bad about something isn't enough.

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Life Arielle Zadok Life Arielle Zadok

That time we left everything for Irma (plus, how you can help!)

This past week has been one of the most bizarre, surreal experiences of my life. As the world looked on, Hurricane Irma slowly crept her way up through the Caribbean, causing massive destruction (including over 90% of the island of Barbuda), threatening to make a direct hit on my home of St. Petersburg, FL. 

Late in the night on Wednesday September 6th, we decided to evacuate. We weren't sure what was going to happen, but one thing I did know for sure was that the risk of staying was way higher than the cost of us leaving.

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Life, Business Arielle Zadok Life, Business Arielle Zadok

The 52 year old who taught us the true power of our mind

For anyone who thinks "it's too late" I want you to take a good look at the life of Louise Hay, who we lost at 90 years old on August 30th. 

Even if you think you're not familiar with Louis' work, I'll bet you actually are and you don't even know it.

Ever hear of positive affirmations? Yup, that was Louise. 

How about healing your body with your mind? Yup, that was her too. 

You know the theories on your thoughts becoming your reality? Yup, that was literally her jam (and her bread and butter too)

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Business Arielle Zadok Business Arielle Zadok

5 simple steps to creating goals that actually work

If you're into Mel Brooks or even Steve Carrell you might be giggling right now thinking of the ridiculous nature of a spy who is socially awkward and ill equipped. Go on, have a giggle...

Ok now onto the real story here...

Last week we talked about the different between intentions and goals. If you missed that post, read that first

When we set intentions it's really easy to think of something that is just beyond our reach. We think of the things we want, but we don't really give much time or energy into what it will take to get there. 

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Business Arielle Zadok Business Arielle Zadok

What do you do when your intentions getting you nowhere?

How often have you wanted something and only been able to see it as a massive mountain ahead of you?

How many goals have you given up because it was just too much to even think about?

If you're human, there have probably been a lot. And every time someone talks about manifesting your dreams you probably want to shake the sh*t out of them. 

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Life Arielle Zadok Life Arielle Zadok

Lessons from your morning croissant

Can I just be honest and say how much I wish I could have a croissant every morning? I mean I could, but my body wouldn't like it. I digress...

Whether your morning meal is a croissant, a fruit parfait or a cliff bar on the go, you can do this practice. 

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Life Arielle Zadok Life Arielle Zadok

I see you fear, and I'm comin' for ya!

Taking leaps is scary. Going after something you want so badly you can't imagine yourself actually getting it is terrifying. 

Going outside your comfort zone sucks.

Even still, there's a lot to be said about stretching yourself that far, about seeing the storm ahead, putting on your raincoat, and riding it out. 

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