3 ways to make your New Year's resolution a reality

It’s that time of year once again. The time we all say how much this passed year sucked and how ah-ma-zing this next year will be. Helloooo expectations!

I mean, we all know how this plays out by now, right?

We proclaim huge goals whether they be physical, financial, career oriented - whatever. We state them loud and clear to the world. Jan 1-8 we are ROCKING AND ROLLING. Then…


A job.

A weekend away.

Things happen and 3 months down the road we’re left with nothing but that glimmer of an idea we once had to be better, to do more, to be more.

Instead of having that dream life we created for ourselves on Dec. 31, we’re left with the guilt of letting it go and many times the shame that comes along with telling everyone we know how we’re going to xyz in [insert year here].

Well, if I’m being honest (which I am), I think resolutions are a load of crap. Not because they don’t come with the best of intentions (they most certainly do), but because intentions can only take you so far and 3 months down the road our resolutions will be lost and forgotten like those cute sunnies that fit your face oh-so-well that were put down *somewhere* and never found again.

This year let’s take a different approach.

Instead of simply proclaiming your resolutions, take some time to plan them out. It’s great to know where you’re going, but it’s how you get there that really matters. If there’s anything the production industry knows well, it’s planning. Use them skills girl! And when you need a little extra help identifying your blocks, creating that strategy or keeping accountable, you know I’m your girl.

Photo Credit: Brooke Lark

Photo Credit: Brooke Lark


Here are 3 ways to make your New Year’s resolution a reality

So you can stop feeling guilty and start crushing those goals

1.    Break up your yearly goals into bite-sized quarters

12 months is a long time. So many things can change that you just can’t see coming that when you lock yourself into something (or expect that you’ll have the same goals even 6 months from now) you’re setting yourself up for overwhelm.

Instead of looking at a full year, create 1-2 goals to focus on for the next 3 months, then reassess and find new goals for the next 3 and so on.  


2.    Schedule time throughout your day, week or month to focus on your goals. 

Marie Forleo says it best “If it ain’t scheduled, it ain’t real”.  That may not be her exact quote, but it’s pretty darn close and it sure is on point. Maybe you can relate: I miss social events (you know, the Facebook kind) all-the-time. Why? Because I didn’t put it in my calendar. The things that matter most to me get scheduled in. My yoga classes, friend’s birthdays, specific tasks for my business. Everything that matters gets scheduled in and guess what? That results in me showing up.

If you want to get something done, make it real by carving out the time to do it.

Doing this on a regular basis will create the positive habits and behaviors you need to create lasting change (i.e – your resolution).


3.    Find an accountability buddy.

Ever notice how when you plan to go to a class with a friend you both actually show up? Or when you and your partner both want to lose weight you feel guilty for sneaking in that donut you both swore off of? There’s real power in accountability not only for the guilt factor but because together you make one another stronger. I have an accountability partner and since working with her my progress has skyrocketed, I’m sticking to my weekly goals (and smashing them), and I have someone to turn to when I have a major win and when I’m struggling to achieve my to-do lists.

Find someone who has similar goals with you and team up to tackle them together.

This can be anyone from your best friend, a colleague on a film (so you can both stay strong when the crafty snacks are calling), or a coach. Whoever it is, commit to keeping in touch on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to share each others goals and talk about what’s going on.

This is one of the key services I offer all of my coaching clients… because sometimes all you need is accountability to get to exactly where you want to be.

So now I’d love to know in the comments below… what are your goals for the first 3 months of the New Year?

As for me, my major focus is launching my new site with all my new offerings including a pretty rad Accountability Texting program and On demand coaching (if you’re looking for some support right here right now, click here – no fancy new site required) and moving across the country.

Whatever your goals, whatever your dreams, remember that although strategy might not sound as magical and fun as setting intentions, it’s the key to what will bring you closer to your dreams (and in less time than you might even think).

Here’s to a happy and healthy 2018! 


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