Sensual Movement Sound Bath

Sensual Movement Sound Bath

Join us for an evening of transformation where sound, movement, and sensation intertwine to unlock the boundless potential of your sensual self.

Step into a sensual sanctuary where the divine sounds of sound bowls merge with guided intuitive sensual movement co-facilitated by Arielle Zadok and Sacred Sounds by Devon. Dive into a world of heightened awareness and deep healing as you awaken your body's innate sensuality. Surrender to the seductive rhythms, shedding inhibitions, releasing shame, and learning the language of your body as you allow the sound healing to wash over you and explore your own intuitive sensual movements, embracing the full spectrum of pleasure as you journey towards self-discovery and liberation.

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Couple’s Intimacy Workshop

Couple’s Intimacy Workshop

Indulge in an immersive couples workshop curated by certified intimacy coordinator, sexologist, and sensual movement coach, Arielle Zadok. Through insightful discussions, journaling, and hands-on exercises, discover new pathways to pleasure and deepen intimacy with your partner.

Explore the mysteries of desire and arousal, and gain practical communication skills to express your desires with honesty and authenticity. Navigate difficult conversations with grace and compassion, fostering a deeper level of trust and understanding within your relationship.

Embark on a journey of sensory exploration with immersive touch exercises designed to ignite passion and deepen connection. Leave feeling nourished, revitalized, and empowered to enhance intimacy in your relationship.

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Immersive Sensual Empowerment & Pole Dance Workshop

Immersive Sensual Empowerment & Pole Dance Workshop

Immerse yourself in a transformative experience of self-exploration and empowerment guided by Arielle Zadok. As a certified intimacy coordinator, sexologist, sensual movement coach, and expert in unleashing inner vixens, Arielle specializes in helping women uncover their erotic nature and rewrite their sexual scripts to experience the sex and intimacy they desire.

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Lovely Fate Intimacy Workshop

Lovely Fate Intimacy Workshop

Each month Arielle facilitates intimacy workshops at Lovely Fate to help guests meet new people, connect on a deeper level, and learn how to cultivate more intimacy in their relationships in a safe and supportive environment. This is one of the many activities that Lovely Fate provides for their guests to create a holistic play party experience.

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