Life Arielle Zadok Life Arielle Zadok

How to leave attachments behind (so bad haircuts don't ruin your day)

Have you ever cried over a haircut knowing it was totally ridiculous that you were crying about something like that? Yeah, me too. In fact, that's exactly what happened to me last week.

Now, in my old life I'd just cry it out and accept how I felt and moved on with it. But that wouldn't really serve either of us now would it? (nope).

That's why I'm talking all about non-attachment in today's video.

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Life Arielle Zadok Life Arielle Zadok

I see you fear, and I'm comin' for ya!

Taking leaps is scary. Going after something you want so badly you can't imagine yourself actually getting it is terrifying. 

Going outside your comfort zone sucks.

Even still, there's a lot to be said about stretching yourself that far, about seeing the storm ahead, putting on your raincoat, and riding it out. 

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